SO last night I had a crazy dream about being in a bar with a friend and eating a ton of salsa and chips. Totally thrown off (and kind of hungry) I wondered why my brain had nothing better to think about while I was sleeping. This morning I brought my Nurtisystem (NS) food with me thinking "this will be convenient to not have to go anywhere for lunch". I got on Facebook like normal and commented on a friends page and she wrote back and I went to text her and realized that some how I didn't have her number in my cell phone anymore. The android to iPhone adjustment wasn't as smooth as I thought it would be. So after getting her number I found out that in the last 3 weeks she has lost 23 pounds just by walking. I would be thrilled if I could lost 23 pounds TOTAL it doesn't even have to be that fast. So she totally motivated me and told me that I should go walking with her. She ends up living at the apartment complex across from where I work!!! So I can bring clothes with me to work and her and I are going to go walk. I am so excited. She has totally motivated me and I am thrilled that I get to reconnect with a friend I went to St. Marys with AND have a weight loss buddy. She even said she would play tennis with me and she used to play so I am thrilled.
I have a really positive outlook today and can't wait to get started. We have a walking date for Friday at 9:15pm. I am so excited. Its going to be a blast. She also invited me to go to the Texas Folklife Festival on Sunday with them. I really want to go but its going to be HOT and require a lot of walking. Perfect for weight loss but not overly appealing. We will see how it goes. Maybe I can talk Toby in to taking me and then him and I can do some fun thing together and meet up with her.
Positive things coming my way!!!
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