Saturday, June 4, 2011

Intro to what you are about to witness

I needed an outlet. I needed a place to put my words down so I will stop hearing so many voices in my head. That's totally a joke, I don't hear voices.

Psychologists say that sarcasm is a form of aggression. If this is true I am a pit bull. I have a quick witty sense of humor with a touch of vulgarity. I'm not overly sensitive and usually offend people that are.

I have gone up (mentally) so much in these last few years that it amazes myself and I wanted a place to tell my story so that maybe others can grow from my plethora of mistakes. I am NOT perfect and I know I never will be but I feel like I am a lot closer then I used to be. (There is the sarcasm I was talking about)

Sometimes life gets me so frustrated that I need to let my thoughts out or I need to yell and scream and cause a scene and since I can't do that I am going to write a blog and hope that one person reads it, if this is accomplished then I will feel like I don't have to get my feelings out anymore.

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